Guided Meditations

from Mindful Moments: The Self-Care Colouring Book of Art and Affirmations

Meditation is many things. It can take us on a far away journey or reacquaint us with the depths of our selves. It can be a stationary act or a physical ritual, a solitary practice, or a group activity. However, a meditative practice manifests for us when we quiet the noise of distraction for even a little while, the benefits can be powerful and empowering.

The mindful moments self care colouring practice is an opportunity to get quiet within the creative process to take ourselves to the crossroads where action and presence meet. With this practice, we can soothe our anxious minds and take pause in the present moment. We can also invite our inner child out to play, unselfconsciously and without judgement.


Prairie Girl, p. 15/16

Begin listening to the meditation at 11:11.


Classic Daiquiri, p. 22/23

Begin listening to the meditation at 11:55.


An Everywhere of Silver, p. 26/27

Begin listening to the meditation at 6:22.


Klimt Glimpse, p. 36/37

Begin listening to the meditation at

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Kaleidoscope, p. 40/41

Begin listening to the meditation at 8:55.


Nanny’s Mini Still, p. 45/46

Begin listening to the meditation at 1:00.


Pink at Ponemah, p. 50/51

Begin listening to the meditation at 10:55.


Pier Support, p. 54/55

Begin listening to the meditation at 7:44.


Tofino Reflection, p. 66/67

Begin listening to the meditation at 8:45.


Blue Gums, p. 68/69

Begin listening to the meditation at 8:36.


Wonderland Detail, p. 72/73

Begin listening to the meditation at 8:41.


Going With the Flow, p. 75/76

Begin listening to the meditation at 8:37.


Afternoon Showers, p. 82/83

Begin listening to the meditation at 10:55.