MINDFUL MANDART MOMENTS... "Creating a Sanctuary within"
Together we’ll learn to create a personal sanctuary as we seek wisdom at the crossroads where action and presence meet.
This episode was inspired by Episode 27, “A Celebration of the Poppy:”
“Sisterhood: Middle Child” 18” x 24” acrylic on panel 2022. Since I have recently spent time with my sisters overseas and I am the middle child I thought this image would do double duty. It shares a detail of a recent painting in acrylic and it also features the colour RED which will be a focus for our meditation in this episode.
Mindful Moments are designed to bring us back to the present. Creativity has always been my avenue to presence. Sometimes we need to get creative with our meditative practice.
This self care pause is definitely one for the books. It celebrates the power of intention and encourages us to act instead of react, to curate a sanctuary within, especially in stressful circumstances.
You will definitely want to listen in on the player above and add this self care strategy to your hand luggage, as I do, when you travel.
This episode is #7 of the Mindful Mandart Moments Series.
They bring the meditations that pair with backstories of paintings to the forefront to be the focus of our interaction, to help us to pause and to be present, to make ourselves available to the creative magic all around us through the action of slowing down.
Mindfulness is about being present so I am including this image from a recent beach walk. It was as far from an airport as I could be though I did spend many hours in airports in order to arrive here.
Let’s be reminded to just “Be’ where we are, wherever we are.
We are our own agents and though stress can sometimes overwhelm us we can choose to take a mindful break wherever we are with a little creative intervention.
I developed the meditation in this episode while in a very busy airport where sounds quickly became noise that competed for attention. The chaos of people and energy coming and going inspired me to find a way to curate a place to pause within the action.
Without the ability to physically remove ourselves from a stressful situation we can use the power of our imagination and the creative tool of visualisation to build a sanctuary around us wherever we are.
The meditation in the recording references the colour red. Red is the colour associated with the root chakra. The root Chakra at the base of the spine is the energy centre that helps to keep us grounded.
The Root Chakra is associated with the colour Red.
Red is one of my favourite colours. I appreciate the resonance of quinocridone red light ( try pronouncing that one with an accent on a podcast ) and though painting quiets my soul, I am strangely attracted to the screaming nature of particular shades of Golden’s Pyrole.Red in light dark and medium shades.
These lovely reds seek attention like noise in an airport so by association the grounding quality of red inspired the sanctuary building meditation in this episode.
“Why is your backpack so heavy?” my husband asks when i occasionally pass him “Bertha”. Bertha is the name my adult children have given my travel backpack. Bertha has personality and she can get heavy. (I’m sorry but I can’t help but to collect things… like books and rocks)
On a recent trip we had an extended layover and the sounds around us turned to noise. Without the ability to remove myself from the situation i developed the meditation that you’ll find in todays episode.
Above is the cherry quartz heart I happened to have with me on my journey.
Cherry Quartz is just one example of a RED stone that can help us to feel energized, to reestablish our equilibrium, encourage, vigour, and enthusiasm …perfect to have in an airport :)
If you are like me you might also choose jewellery to compliment your energetic needs. This carnelian necklace and copper ring are favourites of mine that help to keep me grounded in stressful situations.
What’s in your toolbox?
Painting is a process that takes me to a meditative mindset where the hustle of the world slows and I become fully present in my work. Like you I am not always at work and don’t have 24/7 access to the creative processes that usually keep me grounded. Having a meditative practice is a strategy that helps me to take a breather amidst the chaos of the everyday. The meditation in this episode involves a Visualization. I hope you find it a helpful addition.
The poppy inferred in textiles…
The situations I find myself in provide inspiration. Even the stressful ones like an airport. Amid the din of commuter groups, music and announcements, after what had already ben a long day, I realized…
Choice is always available. I can create a refuge for myself wherever I am, whenever I need or want to, through the power of creative visualization.
I can take myself mentally to a refreshing location or I can hold onto a talisman like the cherry quartz heart above as I settle and focus my intention on the breath. This helps us to regulate our overstimulated systems wherever we are.
We don’t have to react to the circumstances around us, we can instead, act.
In the recording you will find the virtual fort I assembled around myself as i waited in a stressful environment. By harnessing the power of intention and creative visualization I was able to construct a virtual protective shell, a flexible barrier that can grow and settle around us as we settle in with ourselves, wherever we are.
I hope you’ll notice as I did, the stress of where i was, becoming stiller and more peaceful with each intentional breath. Listen in on the player at the beginning of this blogpost for the complete experience.
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I hope the Mindful Moment series is resonating for you. I appreciate you listening in and reading the notes here on the blog.
Please feel free to Invite a friend to join in for this weekly self care project.. It’s free and every comment or recommendation is helpful to the growth of this project.
So, until next time, be well and be inspired and I will look forward to joining with you again as we seek wisdom at the crossroads where action and presence meet.
All best, Amanda